Wendy Percival
- Dec 6, 2018
- 2 min
Mrs McDougall & the legacy of #WW1
I wrote recently about a WW1 legacy within my own family - the injuries my great uncle Tom sustained which dogged him for the rest of his...
Wendy Percival
- Nov 7, 2018
- 2 min
Remembering - two of my WW1 ancestors
Researching our WW1 ancestors can be fascinating and frustrating in equal measure, given so many military records were lost during WW2...
Wendy Percival
- May 25, 2018
- 1 min
Poor old George
I'd always known the story of my great uncle Tom, (Thomas Diggory) and the disabling leg wound he'd received during WW1, in March 1917....